
Colds and Flu Protocol

As the vitamin Buyer and nutritionist on staff at Boney's Bayside Market in Coronado, I get asked constantly for advice on what to do for this gnarley Cold and Flu season. Which products do I suggest and what is the most effective. Well here is my protocal for colds and flus.
Colds: Sinupret adults or childrens. Adults is 1 tab 2 times a day, children's is a syrup so follow the dosage on the package. This product is the number one selling formula for sinus congestion in Europe. I tried it when I had bronchitis and it helped to clear up my sinuses and post-nasal drip.
Soar throat and Sinus infection: Oregano oil 3 drops 3 times a day on the back of the tongue.
To maintain sinus health for those who suffer chronic sinusitis use Natural Factors or New Chapter Grape Seed extract. Follow the directions on the containers.

Flu protocol: High fever, body aches and pains use Oscillicoccinum 1 dose can be turned into 3 doses to make it last longer. This is only good for the first day or two of the flu. Then switch to Gaia Herbs Elderberry Syrup to minimize the duration and spread of the virus. This syrup is safe for children 2 years of age and older. Again, follow the directions on the box. I also suggest oregano oil for sinus infection. If the flu is stomach and intestinal and the adult or child is throwing up or... use Bio-K liquid probiotic take 1 container and divide it into 2 doses, morning and evening. Use electrolytes to minimize dehydration, and Andrographis from Herb Pharm if things don't get better in 2 days.

Good luck! If you need individualized advice please call me 619 779-5053. I will not be held liable for any of the advice given here, every thing you do is up to you.

Nicole Martinez MH MaED

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