The next question is: What do you eat for dinner? Most of the time I find that dinner is also skipped or not much of anything. When I point out to them that sleep is a period of fasting and the body requires nourishment or fuel to take on another day a light goes on for them. How can you function or have any energy at all without food?
The body requires high protein, high fiber, high antioxidant fuel to function.
The more you do the more energy you need. It's very simple yet nobody takes the time to feed themselves because they are so busy! The body should be treated with respect yet we treat it like a slave to our lifestyle, roping it along and whipping it throughout the day while starving it. Feed yourself.
First Feed Yourself
Eat three meals a day each one should contain protein, fiber, and high antioxidant fruits and/or veggies.
Include in your day 2 high protein high fiber snacks to keep you going between meals. I like nuts, hard-boiled egg, celery with peanut butter, or a protein shake. (Drinking wine before bed, and eating dessert can have a negative impact on blood sugar which can cause sleep problems.)
Then Use Herbs
The long-term strain on the body and lack of nourishment can cause severe adrenal fatigue which in tern leads to chronic fatigue. Sometimes a person won't even know something is wrong until they are flat on their back and do not have the strength or energy to get back up. Healing the adrenals from chronic stress with herbs is hard to do if the body does not get proper rest and nourishment.
My favorite herbs for stress and adrenal fatigue:
Ashwagandha ~ Withania somnifera.
Ashwagandha has been shown to protect brain cells against the the harmful effects of stress. Cortisol, a hormone produced when the body is under stress causes unstable blood sugar, inflammation, and insomnia. A recent human clinical trial showed that Ashwagandha reduced cortisol levels by 26%. The participants reported increased energy, reduced fatigue, better sleep, and an enhanced sense of well-being.The products I recommend which contain the highest quality Ashwagandha are Paradise Herbs and Gaia Herbs
Il hwa Ginex Ginseng ~
Panax ginseng was discovered over 5000
Ginseng is a known adaptogen which supports the body's life forces during times of stress. It allows the body to function to its highest ability secreting hormones which keep the balance of all the body's systems. The body in balance feels rejuvenated, calm, and happy. Sleep, strength, muscle mass, and libido can all be increased by using this form of Ginseng.